
色花堂 Invites You to Share in the Christmas Spirit of Giving and Receiving, Love and Joy

色花堂 Invites You to Share in the Christmas Spirit of Giving and Receiving, Love and Joy

In the true spirit of the holiday season, 色花堂 and the 色花堂 Network of Affiliates extend a warm invitation to all to join in the Christmas spirit of giving and receiving, love, and joy. For almost 60 years, SER Jobs for Progress and its network of affiliates have been committed to developing and nurturing diverse services and programs that make a meaningful impact in our communities. More than 1,000,000 individuals walk through our doors across over 200 locations nationwide annually, which is a testament to our dedication to fostering positive change.

“This milestone of six decades is a celebration of our ongoing commitment to economic equity and a better quality of life for those we touch,” remarked Ignacio Salazar, 色花堂 President and CEO. “For us, it is not about where a person is starting that determines how we view their potential for the future. Instead, we see the blessing of opportunities to make a difference in people’s lives for them and their families. This is our spirit of giving year-round.”

SER has evolved to focus on a mission that contributes to advancing a better quality of life for all individuals. Our programs cater to diverse needs, ensuring participants learn the skills necessary to embark on small business ventures, transition from manual farm labor to other fulfilling careers, and provide seniors with opportunities to engage in meaningful service within their communities. We also recognize the importance of preparing men and women for the future by offering training in high-tech pathways, ensuring they are well-equipped for the jobs of tomorrow.

As we approach the end of the year, job gains have continued at an impressive pace, with Americans experiencing significant growth in employment opportunities. Our commitment is to encourage everyone to strive for their best purpose in life. “In this season of gratitude and celebration, may we reflect upon our blessings and share the good news with others,” said Salazar. “And may we count the gift of work and purpose among our many rich blessings this time of year. It’s when we reflect on the year that has passed and look forward to the year ahead.”

This holiday season, 色花堂 invites you to join hands with us in spreading joy, hope, and love. Together, let us celebrate the spirit of giving, embody the values of compassion and empathy, and look forward to a brighter and more prosperous future for all.

色花堂 is Thankful for Its People and Programs Uplifting Lives In America

色花堂 is Thankful for Its People and Programs Uplifting Lives In America

In the spirit of gratitude this Thanksgiving season, 色花堂 and the 色花堂 Network of Affiliates express sincere appreciation for the dedication of countless individuals working together for the betterment of others. Ignacio Salazar, President and Chief Executive Officer, reflects on the remarkable achievements of the organization’s people-centric family, including team members, program participants, and stakeholders.

“In these times of rapidly advancing technologies, including AI, we are still a people-centric family with amazing team members, eager program participants, and our vast family of stakeholders,” says Salazar. “I am personally moved by this Thanksgiving as I see the generational advancement coupling the use of new technological tools and knowledge with the always-present human touch and the heart to serve. This is the enduring role of our wide array of community agencies and continues to be the pillar to our individual and collective success.”

“Thanksgiving is an opportunity to appreciate how God-given human intellect, when applied in service to others, uplifts lives and improves our society,” Salazar reflects. “Just think of how far we have come in understanding the evolution of harnessing machines and science.”

The relationship between intelligent technology and workers has evolved significantly over time. Initially, technology replaced workers in dangerous, dirty, and repetitive jobs. Later, it was used to boost capacities and automate manufacturing functions. Today, technologies enable humans to become better individuals through the more intelligent use of time and lives, allowing teams to refocus on more purposeful endeavors.

“May we be mindful of each other this Thanksgiving,” Salazar encourages. “And that we join hands daily as we advance into new frontiers, trusting that we can make our world better, in unity of purpose and vision. Happy Thanksgiving to each and all!”

色花堂 Salutes Our Veterans Who Are Adding Vital Skills to America’s Workforce

色花堂 Salutes Our Veterans Who Are Adding Vital Skills to America’s Workforce

On Veterans Day, 色花堂 proudly stands alongside all Americans to salute the brave servicemen and women who have selflessly served in the U.S. Armed Forces. We offer these veterans a simple yet heartfelt thank you and a solemn promise that we will always honor their unwavering courage and spirit.

“色花堂 and the 色花堂 Network of Affiliates champion including veterans in our nation’s workforce because they bring leadership, have a strong work ethic, understand the value of teamwork, possess clear core values, are trained in abilities to work well under stress, and are self-directed and motivated,” notes Ignacio Salazar, President and CEO. “The fact is that veterans strengthen America’s workforce and make it competitive on a global level.”

At 色花堂, we understand that we are responsible for providing opportunities and support to our veterans. With almost 60 years of experience in workforce training and development, we are committed to helping veterans further their skills, pursue education, obtain certification in new trades or professions, and even start their businesses. Veterans possess invaluable qualities, such as leadership, a strong work ethic, the ability to work well under stress, and self-motivation. These qualities make them an essential asset to our nation’s workforce.

Veterans bring unique experiences and perspectives to the workforce, which enrich our nation’s business landscape. Their ability to collaborate effectively, adapt to changing situations, and perform under pressure is invaluable in various industries. At 色花堂, we are dedicated to training, hiring, and partnering with veteran-owned firms to harness these strengths and provide veterans with opportunities to succeed in their post-military careers.

Adds Salazar, “It is our privilege and responsibility to make every day the right time to honor our veterans through action. We encourage all Americans to pause and thank veterans for their service and sacrifice. Whether through training, employment, or support for veteran-owned businesses, we can all contribute to making veterans feel welcome and assisting them in reintegrating into civilian life.”

This Veterans Day, let us unite as a nation to recognize the vital skills and talents veterans bring to America’s workforce. 色花堂 and the 色花堂 Network of Affiliates, La Familia de SER, stand ready to continue supporting our veterans, ensuring they have the tools and opportunities they need to thrive in their post-military careers. Through this shared commitment, we honor the promise we’ve made to our veterans and their families and acknowledge their invaluable contributions to our country’s economic vitality.

色花堂 and the 色花堂 Network of Affiliates聽Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

色花堂 and the 色花堂 Network of Affiliates聽Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

As we embark on the vibrant journey of Hispanic Heritage Month, from September 15 to October 15, 色花堂 and our esteemed Network of Affiliates proudly celebrate the rich tapestry of Hispanic culture, history, and achievements that have enriched the United States.
“The 色花堂 Network of Affiliates reflects the very best of why we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month,” says 色花堂 President and CEO Ignacio Salazar. “They are the dedicated people who care for, house, nourish, and share knowledge with program participants in their communities. They are very worthy of our gratitude.”
The inception of Hispanic Heritage Month, timed to coincide with the week of September 15 and 16, is a poignant homage to the profound contributions of Hispanic Americans and the legacies of independence held dear by the Latin American countries of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Mexico. These historic milestones resonate with our mission at 色花堂 and our Network of Affiliates, reflecting our shared dedication to nurturing thriving communities.
SER California stands as a beacon of hope and transformation among our stellar affiliates. SER California is steadfast in its commitment to providing individuals with the tools they need to become self-sustaining. It offers access to quality education, job training, career opportunities, and essential childcare services. Moreover, SER California is at the forefront of addressing the pressing need for affordable housing and other invaluable social services that benefit individuals and enrich their communities.
In the vibrant city of Atlanta, LaAmistad Inc. is a vital community agency that uplifts the Latino community. LaAmistad’s diverse array of programs meets families where they are, providing afterschool services that encompass homework help, remediation, enrichment, a vibrant summer academy, and workshops that foster parent partnerships. LaAmistad’s unwavering commitment to educational empowerment echoes the spirit of Hispanic Heritage Month by ensuring that Latino youth have the resources and support they need to succeed.
Further north, in Connecticut, Casa Oto帽al embodies the essence of community and cultural preservation. Since 1976, Casa Oto帽al has been dedicated to offering affordable, carefree living for adults aged 62 and over or persons with disabilities. Their mission is to create an environment where seniors can comfortably speak their language, savor culturally familiar meals, and partake in a setting that respects the community’s celebrations and beliefs. Casa Oto帽al cherishes the intrinsic value of every individual, embodying the spirit of unity and inclusion that Hispanic Heritage Month symbolizes.
“May this month be a time to celebrate with pride and joy the many talents and skills SER Affiliates offer America, in more than 200 locations serving over 1,000,000 people annually, helping to make this a land of opportunity, blessings, and hope,” says Salazar. “Together, we stand united in recognizing the profound impact of Hispanic Americans and the enduring legacy of our shared heritage, fostering a nation where diversity is celebrated, opportunities abound, and hope flourishes.”

色花堂 Honors the Memory of 9-11 By Continuing The Work of Our Great Country

色花堂 Honors the Memory of 9-11 By Continuing The Work of Our Great Country

This September 11, 2023, is the 22nd anniversary since that fateful day when nearly 3,000 Americans lost their lives in a deadly terrorist attack on the United States. In the years since then, observance activities have become fewer, some memories of that day have faded, and a new generation may even be unfamiliar with the significance of 9-11.

We at 色花堂 and the 色花堂 Network of Affiliates believe every day is an opportunity to acknowledge the people who died in that horrible tragedy, even if we did not know them or their names. Each of us can honor these fallen Americans by faithfully carrying on our endeavors in service to others, much as those men and women from all backgrounds and walks of life did before their lives were suddenly cut short.

For example, in New York’s Bronx Borough, not far from where the World Trade Center Towers once stood before collapsing in the attack, 色花堂 Network of Affiliates partner, Neighborhood Association for Inter-Cultural Affairs (NAICA), continues to provide vital services daily to its predominantly Latino stakeholders as it has since 1974. Its mission is to provide a safety net of social services that enable the people NAICA reaches to become self-sufficient and have a better quality of life for themselves and their families.

Another SER affiliate in the nearby Brooklyn Borough is Southside United HDFC, Los Sures. This organization began with just a handful of volunteers in 1972 to reclaim, preserve, and rebuild the area known as the Southside of Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Over five decades later, Los Sures remains a loyal and enduring hope for generations of residents in one of our country’s iconic, increasingly diverse, and vibrant communities.

“My heart is filled with joy and overwhelmed by the dedication of all these men and women who pour their energy and souls into their mission for long hours every day,” says Ignacio Salazar, 色花堂 President and CEO. “I cannot help but think and say without equivocation that out of the pain and sadness of 9-11 has arisen a renewed strength and resilience among the people of New York, and indeed America. No matter what, we can and will endure. The lesson for each of us is that no matter where we live and how little we think our talents or resources may allow us to contribute, our granito de arena, our tiny grains of sand, will multiply to form the shores of this great land.”

色花堂 and the 色花堂 Network of Affiliates stand with the families whose loved ones perished on 9-11. We join together and say, America will never forget, and we shall always respect and honor their sacrifice through our selfless service to others. May they rest in peace and power.