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鈥淭oday, I understand the role I play as the older brother of seven,鈥 said Julian, 鈥渋f you asked me that a few months ago, I wouldn鈥檛 have been able to express what that looked like or meant to me.鈥

Julian Mena, who was raised by a single mother, hurtled through many hardships as he took turns establishing his childhood between San Antonio and Houston, Texas.

鈥淎s a young child, I didn鈥檛 feel like I had a set path for myself,鈥 said Julian, 鈥渓acking a father figure, I longed for stability and I tried to find comfort in the people around me; the people I called 鈥渇riends鈥 at the time, didn鈥檛 help to steer me in the right direction.

鈥淲ithout even really noticing it, going back and forth between cities really had a negative impact on me.鈥

鈥淭he only thing I knew for certain about school was that I鈥檇 been to six different high schools between the two cities,鈥 said Julian, 鈥淚 was a good student, but my attendance and interest started to wane when I took after the wrong crowd. I was 16 then.鈥

鈥淚 often found myself struggling on the other side of the law,鈥 said Julian, 鈥淚 was lost in the depths of my consciousness fighting against drugs and many other bad influences. I got into activities that weren鈥檛 too favorable for a 16-year-old.
鈥淏ut my mom helped me through. She鈥檚 my rock and the push I needed. Even when I couldn鈥檛 recognize myself, she helped me find the will I had buried deep within me to go on.鈥

As a younger brother began to emulate him, Julian realized that he was the role model his brothers and sisters looked up to. And, upon that realization, Julian decided to turn his life around.

鈥淲hen we got the opportunity to move to Houston, I saw that it was my chance,鈥 said Julian, 鈥渁nd I cut off ties with the 鈥渇riends鈥 that weren鈥檛 taking me anywhere. Being in Houston offered me a chance. I felt that I was finally going to be around the right people. That鈥檚 when I found SER.鈥

Upon discovering SER in April of this year, Julian immediately enrolled in the YouthBuild program with his mom鈥檚 full support and encouragement. YouthBuild Houston is a GED program that SER offers the community鈥檚 youth and young adults (17-24 year-olds) who have dropped out of school. Students can earn their GED while gaining skills in construction, earning a stipend and helping to rebuild and repair housing in low-income communities.

When asked about his hunger for change and the drive to join the program, Julian said, 鈥淚 wanted to finish high school. I think it meant a great deal for me to see this opportunity through for the sake of my brothers and sisters. Taking that first step and opening myself up to what鈥檚 out there really changed my outlook on my role as a brother.

鈥淚 wanted to do right by them, be the 鈥榠nspirational big brother鈥 that I realized I could be. So I began to change the way I talked around them. That鈥檚 what the program offered me.鈥

鈥淚t was a great experience, I was excited. I felt like the schools I went to before didn鈥檛 care whether or not I graduated,鈥 said Julian, 鈥渢hey were just getting kids in and out the door. I鈥檝e been to many schools, and I know this experience was different.
鈥淚 found my mentors here, they made me feel鈥 like they cared. Mr. Sweeney, Mr. Green, Ms. Bennett,聽 Ms. Zully, and Mr. Lee took it upon themselves to reach out and make sure I didn鈥檛 give up on myself until I saw this program through.鈥
鈥淚t鈥檚 amazing!鈥 said Julian, 鈥淚 have this newfound confidence in school. There is friendly competition here, it鈥檚 something great because we lift each other up.鈥

鈥淏efore the YouthBuild Program, I remember just wanting to get by,鈥 said Julian, 鈥渁fterward, I鈥檓 thinking what鈥檚 next?鈥
鈥淚鈥檒l be working at La Chamba, which is going to be a huge stepping stone for me,鈥 said Julian, 鈥渁nd now I want to go to college and I鈥檓 even considering a career as an electrical engineer.鈥

La Chamba Caf茅 + Careers was founded by SERJobs as a community hub where employers and job seekers could connect and build careers in a coffee shop environment. It鈥檚 located in SER鈥檚 Workforce Opportunity Center at 1710 Telephone Road and has its grand opening on September 18th.

Julian feels he found himself and his potential through YouthBuild and has advice for others his age who are struggling, not knowing what to do with their lives.

鈥淚 would definitely say to give it a shot, it will take you beyond the mentality of just getting by,鈥 said Julian, 鈥淚 feel like SER opened so many doors for me. Look at me, I did it!

鈥淚 would tell others to get it done now. You can get it as fast as you want it, let your drive and the SER team take you forward.鈥
鈥淚鈥檝e learned a lot, being here; it鈥檚 a well-rounded program,鈥 said Julian, 鈥渁nd I can say I walked away with mentors, peers, and a vision for myself down the road.鈥