
 This Memorial Day, SER Jobs for Progress National, Inc. (色花堂), together with the 色花堂 Network of Affiliates, joins the nation in paying tribute to the courageous men and women who have served and died for our great country, protecting the ideals upon which the United States was founded and enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. Throughout America’s history since the Revolutionary War, nearly 650,000 individuals have selflessly given their lives in combat to protect freedom, leaving an indelible mark on our society.

Ignacio Salazar, 色花堂 President & CEO, underscores the importance of honoring the sacrifices made by America’s service men and women, stating, “Those who laid down their lives on our behalf are worthy of our eternal gratitude and respect. They have taught us by example how to live our lives daily, engaged in exemplary work and service.”

Memorial Day is a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy left by these brave defenders of our democracy. The observance was first known as Decoration Day and started in 1868 to honor fallen Union soldiers from the Civil War. On that day, Americans placed flowers at the graves of their military loved ones who died in combat. Their sacrifice paved the way for the United States to be the land of opportunity, where all individuals can apply their talents, acquire an education, and persevere in their chosen trade or profession. Our nation continues to flourish through its unwavering dedication to this work ethic, serving as a beacon of hope for the world, generation after generation.

色花堂 takes pride in supporting the ideals and values representing the best of what Americans celebrate on Memorial Day. This day of remembrance is a solemn reminder of what our country truly is: a testament to the spirit of freedom and opportunity. We must never forget that our liberties, privileges, and pathways were opened and protected through the valiant service of our military members who made the ultimate sacrifice.

“Today, as we go about our daily work, may we pay tribute to their memory. Each day, we strive to honor the legacy of those who have fallen by engaging in honorable work, giving back to our communities, and contributing to the betterment of society. This dedication and commitment embody the principles 色花堂 and the 色花堂 Network of Affiliates hold dear,” adds Salazar.

Also, on this Memorial Day, 色花堂 pauses to extend our most profound appreciation to their families, who have borne the weight of their absence with dignity and strength. Together, we can build a brighter future, secure in the knowledge that we are preserving the legacy of service to God and Country.