

Dear Friends,


It is more important now than ever, for us to call on Congress and the White House to focus seriously on ensuring that the people of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands have access to the basic necessities in the short term and to rebuilding the island in the medium and longer term. It is time for our government to act now and act strategically. As such, the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda developed a 10 point plan of action for Congress and the administration. This plan requires that both Congress and the White House work together and set aside politics in order to help people who are urgently in need. On October 1st, NHLA sent a letter to the administration and Congress, outlining the specific actions they need to take and further explaining the gravity of the situation. As President Trump visited Puerto Rico, NHLA leaders held a press call to underscore the importance of acting on these 10 points.


In this newsletter, you will find the letter addressing the 10 points, a recording of NHLA’s recent press call, and 5 key actions that will aid in relief efforts. Thanks to all of you who are are working hard for our brothers and sisters and we will continue to work to make sure they receive the relief they need, both immediately and in the months to come.


In unity,

Hector Sanchez Barba


