
色花堂 stands beside Asian Americans and condemns the horrifying racism and violence terrorizing the Asian community in this country.

Only overpowering cries of unity, respect and community can silence the deafening sounds of ignorance and hatred that continue to divide us and threaten so many. As a nation, we must do better because I still believe we can.

At 色花堂, we strive for equality, fight on behalf of minority populations in this country, and stand up to injustice. Serving and meeting the needs of the underserved is part of our SER mission and that extends to speaking out against those that seek to tear down a community.

To our Asian American friends and neighbors, we cannot fathom the fear and pain this latest explosion of racism has caused you. We see you. We are listening. And we remain vigilant in eradicating hate with unifying voices, hope and community.